Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
NP93-31; Neup-93-31; NMDA NR2B antagonists (depression/neuropathic pain/subarachnoid hemorrhage/traumatic brain injury); NMDA NR2B antagonists (depression/neuropathic pain/subarachnoid hemorrhage/TBI), NeurOp/ Bristol-Myers Squibb/Stallion; NMDA NR2B antagonists (depression/neuropathic pain/subarachnoid hemorrhage/traumatic brain injury), NeurOp/ Bristol-Myers Squibb/Stallion
Indication Brain injury [ICD10:S09.90] Investigative [543838]
NeurOp Corp
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Glutamate [NMDA] receptor subunit epsilon 2 Target Info Antagonist [543838]
KEGG Pathway Ras signaling pathway
Rap1 signaling pathway
cAMP signaling pathway
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
Circadian entrainment
Long-term potentiation
Glutamatergic synapse
Dopaminergic synapse
Alzheimer's disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Huntington's disease
Cocaine addiction
Amphetamine addiction
Nicotine addiction
Systemic lupus erythematosus
PANTHER Pathway Huntington disease
Ionotropic glutamate receptor pathway
Metabotropic glutamate receptor group III pathway
Metabotropic glutamate receptor group I pathway
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 1 and 3 signaling pathway
Pathway Interaction Database ErbB4 signaling events
Reelin signaling pathway
Reactome EPHB-mediated forward signaling
Unblocking of NMDA receptor, glutamate binding and activation
CREB phosphorylation through the activation of CaMKII
Ras activation uopn Ca2+ infux through NMDA receptor
RAF/MAP kinase cascade
WikiPathways Hypothetical Network for Drug Addiction
Neurotransmitter Receptor Binding And Downstream Transmission In The Postsynaptic Cell
BDNF signaling pathway
Ref 543838(http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Target id: 457).
Ref 543838(http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Target id: 457).

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