Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Drug Type
Small molecular drug
Indication Discovery agent Investigative [539640]
PubChem Compound ID
PubChem Substance ID
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel alpha-1G subunit Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [527288]
Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [527288]
KEGG Pathway MAPK signaling pathway
Calcium signaling pathway
Circadian entrainment
Type II diabetes mellitushsa04010:MAPK signaling pathway
cGMP-PKG signaling pathway
cAMP signaling pathway
Cardiac muscle contraction
Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes
Vascular smooth muscle contraction
Long-term potentiation
Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling
Glutamatergic synapse
Cholinergic synapse
Serotonergic synapse
GABAergic synapse
Dopaminergic synapse
Insulin secretion
GnRH signaling pathway
Oxytocin signaling pathway
Type II diabetes mellitus
Alzheimer's disease
Amphetamine addiction
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)
Dilated cardiomyopathy
NetPath Pathway IL2 Signaling Pathway
PANTHER Pathway Endogenous cannabinoid signaling
GABA-B receptor II signaling
Nicotine pharmacodynamics pathwayP00003:Alzheimer disease-amyloid secretase pathway
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway
5HT2 type receptor mediated signaling pathway
Beta1 adrenergic receptor signaling pathway
Beta2 adrenergic receptor signaling pathway
Oxytocin receptor mediated signaling pathway
Nicotine pharmacodynamics pathway
Pathway Interaction Database Regulation of nuclear beta catenin signaling and target gene transcription
PathWhiz Pathway Muscle/Heart ContractionPW000564:Muscle/Heart Contraction
Reactome NCAM1 interactionsR-HSA-400042:Adrenaline,noradrenaline inhibits insulin secretion
NCAM1 interactions
Regulation of insulin secretion
WikiPathways NCAM signaling for neurite out-growth
Nicotine Activity on Chromaffin CellsWP536:Calcium Regulation in the Cardiac Cell
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
Alzheimers Disease
Integration of energy metabolism
Nicotine Activity on Chromaffin Cells
Ref 539640(http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 2519).
Ref 527288Identification of R(-)-isomer of efonidipine as a selective blocker of T-type Ca2+ channels. Br J Pharmacol. 2004 Dec;143(8):1050-7. Epub 2004 Nov 15.

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