Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Antibody therapy (colerectal cancer), CRC/Onyvax; Vaccine (colorectal cancer), CRC/ImClone; Vaccine (colorectal cancer), CRC/Onyvax
Drug Type
Indication Colorectal cancer [ICD9: 153, 154; ICD10:C18-C21] Discontinued in Phase 1 [546205]
Cancer Research Campaign
Target and Pathway
Target(s) CD55 Target Info [526950]
KEGG Pathway Complement and coagulation cascades
Hematopoietic cell lineage
Viral myocarditis
NetPath Pathway IL5 Signaling Pathway
IL2 Signaling Pathway
FSH Signaling Pathway
TGF_beta_Receptor Signaling Pathway
Reactome Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors)
Regulation of Complement cascade
WikiPathways Complement and Coagulation Cascades
Complement Activation, Classical Pathway
Human Complement System
GPCR ligand binding
Complement cascade
Ref 546205Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800006889)
Ref 526950Technology evaluation: Onyvax-105, Onyvax. Curr Opin Mol Ther. 2003 Dec;5(6):668-72.

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