Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Girentuximab I-124
Redectane (TN)
Drug Type
Monoclonal antibody
Indication Renal cancer [ICD9: 140-229, 189; ICD10:C64] Phase 2 [522378]
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Carbonic anhydrase IX Target Info Enhancer [532138], [532748]
KEGG Pathway Nitrogen metabolism
Pathway Interaction Database HIF-1-alpha transcription factor network
Reactome Regulation of gene expression by Hypoxia-inducible Factor
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide
WikiPathways Vitamin D Receptor Pathway
Reversible Hydration of Carbon Dioxide
Regulation of Hypoxia-inducible Factor (HIF) by Oxygen
Ref 522378ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT00717587) Sunitinib Before and After Surgery in Treating Patients With Stage IV Kidney Cancer. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Ref 532138Potential role of (124)I-girentuximab in the presurgical diagnosis of clear-cell renal cell cancer. Biologics. 2012;6:395-407.
Ref 532748Optical Imaging of Renal Cell Carcinoma with Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX Monoclonal Antibody Girentuximab. J Nucl Med. 2014 Jun;55(6):1035-40.

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