Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
NK1 antagonists, Fujisawa
Indication Asthma [ICD10:J45] Terminated [547257]
Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co Ltd
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Substance-P receptor Target Info Antagonist [526798]
KEGG Pathway Calcium signaling pathway
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
PANTHER Pathway CCKR signaling map ST
Reactome G alpha (q) signalling events
WikiPathways SIDS Susceptibility Pathways
Gastrin-CREB signalling pathway via PKC and MAPK
Spinal Cord Injury
Peptide GPCRs
GPCR ligand binding
GPCR downstream signaling
Ref 547257Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800014508)
Ref 526798FK 224, a novel cyclopeptide substance P antagonist with NK1 and NK2 receptor selectivity. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1992 Jul;262(1):398-402.

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