Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Recombinant Factor IX
RFIX, Baxter; Recombinant Factor IX, Baxter
Indication Factor IX deficiency [ICD10:D67] Terminated [549852]
Baxter 1nternational
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Coagulation factor IX Target Info Modulator [532997]
KEGG Pathway Complement and coagulation cascades
PANTHER Pathway Blood coagulation
PathWhiz Pathway Coagulation
Reactome Extrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation
Gamma-carboxylation of protein precursors
Transport of gamma-carboxylated protein precursors from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus
Removal of aminoterminal propeptides from gamma-carboxylated proteins
WikiPathways Complement and Coagulation Cascades
PTM: gamma carboxylation, hypusine formation and arylsulfatase activation
Blood Clotting Cascade
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade)
Ref 549852Clinical pipeline report, company report or official report of Baxter 1nternational.
Ref 532997BAX326 (RIXUBIS): a novel recombinant factor IX for the control and prevention of bleeding episodes in adults and children with hemophilia B. Ther Adv Hematol. 2014 Oct;5(5):168-80.

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