Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Interferon Alfa-2a, Recombinant
Roferon A (TN)
Indication Chronic HCV infection [ICD9: 070.4, 070.5, 070.70; ICD10:B17.1, B18.2] Approved [1]
Therapeutic Class
Anticancer Agents
CAS Number
CAS 77907-69-8
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 Target Info Binder [2]
KEGG Pathway MAPK signaling pathway
Ras signaling pathway
Rap1 signaling pathway
PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
Signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells
Regulation of actin cytoskeleton
Pathways in cancer
Prostate cancer
Central carbon metabolism in cancer
NetPath Pathway IL1 Signaling Pathway
PANTHER Pathway FGF signaling pathway
Pathway Interaction Database FGF signaling pathway
Reactome Activated point mutants of FGFR2
WikiPathways Regulation of Actin Cytoskeleton
Ectoderm Differentiation
Hair Follicle Development: Organogenesis (Part 2 of 3)
Hair Follicle Development: Induction (Part 1 of 3)
Cardiac Hypertrophic Response
Signaling Pathways in Glioblastoma
Neural Crest Differentiation
Signaling by FGFR
MicroRNAs in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
REF 1Natural products as sources of new drugs over the last 25 years. J Nat Prod. 2007 Mar;70(3):461-77. Epub 2007 Feb 20.
REF 2DrugBank: a knowledgebase for drugs, drug actions and drug targets. Nucleic Acids Res. 2008 Jan;36(Database issue):D901-6. Epub 2007 Nov 29.

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