Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Indication Cancer [ICD9: 140-229; ICD10:C00-C96] Phase 1 [527373]
Target and Pathway
Target(s) FL cytokine receptor Target Info Inhibitor [536065]
KEGG Pathway Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction
Hematopoietic cell lineage
Pathways in cancer
Transcriptional misregulation in cancer
Acute myeloid leukemia
Central carbon metabolism in cancer
Ref 527373Mol Cancer Ther. 2004 Dec;3(12):1639-49.KRN633: A selective inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 tyrosine kinase that suppresses tumor angiogenesis and growth.
Ref 536065Identification of Ki23819, a highly potent inhibitor of kinase activity of mutant FLT3 receptor tyrosine kinase. Leukemia. 2005 Jun;19(6):930-5.

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