Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Drug Type
Small molecular drug
Indication Discovery agent Phase 2 [521504]


Canonical SMILES
CCCC=CC=CC(=O)OC1C(=CC(=O)OC)CC2CC(OC(=O)CC(CC3CC(C(C(O<br />3)(CC4CC(=CC(=O)OC)CC(O4)C=CC(C1(O2)O)(C)C)O)(C)C)OC(=O<br />)C)O)C(C)O
CAS Number
CAS 83314-01-6
PubChem Compound ID
PubChem Substance ID
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Protein kinase C, epsilon type Target Info Activator [535231]
KEGG Pathway cGMP-PKG signaling pathway
Sphingolipid signaling pathway
Vascular smooth muscle contraction
Tight junction
Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway
Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis
Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels
Type II diabetes mellitus
MicroRNAs in cancer
NetPath Pathway IL2 Signaling Pathway
PANTHER Pathway Alpha adrenergic receptor signaling pathway
Alzheimer disease-amyloid secretase pathway
Apoptosis signaling pathway
EGF receptor signaling pathway
Endothelin signaling pathway
FGF signaling pathway
Heterotrimeric G-protein signaling pathway-Gq alpha and Go alpha mediated pathway
Inflammation mediated by chemokine and cytokine signaling pathway
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 1 and 3 signaling pathway
VEGF signaling pathway
Wnt signaling pathway
5HT2 type receptor mediated signaling pathway
Histamine H1 receptor mediated signaling pathway
Oxytocin receptor mediated signaling pathway
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor signaling pathway
CCKR signaling map ST
Pathway Interaction Database Endothelins
LPA receptor mediated events
TCR signaling in na&#xef
LPA4-mediated signaling events
CDC42 signaling events
TCR signaling in na&#xef
Thromboxane A2 receptor signaling
Role of Calcineurin-dependent NFAT signaling in lymphocytes
IL2-mediated signaling events
PDGFR-beta signaling pathway
IL8- and CXCR1-mediated signaling events
Regulation of Ras family activation
Downstream signaling in na&#xef
Reactome Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis
DAG and IP3 signaling
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis
G alpha (z) signalling events
WikiPathways Hypothetical Network for Drug Addiction
Calcium Regulation in the Cardiac Cell
Wnt Signaling Pathway
Wnt Signaling Pathway and Pluripotency
G Protein Signaling Pathways
Myometrial Relaxation and Contraction Pathways
Oncostatin M Signaling Pathway
miRs in Muscle Cell Differentiation
GPCR downstream signaling
Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis
Physiological and Pathological Hypertrophy of the Heart
Ref 521504ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT00031694) Paclitaxel and Bryostatin 1 in Treating Patients With Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Ref 535231Protein kinase epsilon dampens the secretory response of model intestinal epithelia during ischemia. Surgery. 2001 Aug;130(2):310-8.

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