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REF 1 |
Gemin3: A novel DEAD box protein that interacts with SMN, the spinal muscular atrophy gene product, and is a component of gems. J Cell Biol. 1999 Dec 13;147(6):1181-94.
REF 2 |
Protein phosphatase 4 interacts with the Survival of Motor Neurons complex and enhances the temporal localisation of snRNPs. J Cell Sci. 2003 May 15;116(Pt 10):1905-13.
REF 3 |
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A novel functional role for MMSET in RNA processing based on the link between the REIIBP isoform and its interaction with the SMN complex. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 12;9(6):e99493.
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A direct interaction between the survival motor neuron protein and p53 and its relationship to spinal muscular atrophy. J Biol Chem. 2002 Jan 25;277(4):2852-9.
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REF 15 |
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REF 16 |
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REF 17 |
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