Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase beta subunit
Gene Name
I-kappa-B kinase 2; I-kappa-B-kinase beta; IKK-2; IKK-B; IKK-beta; IKK2; IKKbeta; IkBKB; IkappaB kinase 2; IkappaB kinase beta; Inhibitory kappa B kinase b; NFKBIKB; Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B inhibitor kinase beta; IKBKB
Target Type
Clinical Trial
Disease Arthritis [ICD9: 710-719; ICD10: M00-M25]
Acne vulgaris [ICD9: 706.1; ICD10: L70.0]
Alzheimer disease [ICD9: 331; ICD10: G30]
Osteoarthritis [ICD9: 715; ICD10: M15-M19, M47]
Serine kinase that plays an essential role in the NF- kappa-B signaling pathway which is activated by multiple stimuli such as inflammatory cytokines, bacterial or viral products, DNA damages or other cellular stresses. Acts as part of the canonical IKK complex in the conventional pathway of NF-kappa-B activation and phosphorylates inhibitors of NF-kappa-Bon 2 critical serine residues. These modifications allow polyubiquitination of the inhibitors and subsequent degradation by the proteasome. In turn, free NF-kappa-B is translocated into the nucleus and activates the transcription of hundreds of genes involved in immune response, growth control, or protection against apoptosis. In addition to the NF-kappa-B inhibitors, phosphorylates several othercomponents of the signaling pathway including NEMO/IKBKG, NF-kappa-B subunits RELA and NFKB1, as well as IKK-related kinases TBK1 and IKBKE. IKK-related kinase phosphorylations may prevent the overproduction of inflammatory mediators since they exert a negative regulation on canonical IKKs. Also phosphorylates other substrates including NCOA3, BCL10 and IRS1. Within the nucleus, acts as an adapter protein for NFKBIA degradation in UV-induced NF-kappa-B activation.
BioChemical Class
Target Validation
UniProt ID
EC Number
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) IMD-1041 Drug Info Phase 2 Alzheimer disease [532068]
Parthenolide Drug Info Phase 2 Discovery agent [521665]
SAR-113945 Drug Info Phase 2 Osteoarthritis [523903]
Staurosporine Drug Info Phase 2 Discovery agent [521620], [540398]
IMD-0354 Drug Info Phase 1 Acne vulgaris [532968]
MLN0415 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Arthritis [548371]
Inhibitor 2-amino-5-phenylthiophene-3-carboxamide Drug Info [528195]
2-amino-quinoline-3-carboxylic acid amide Drug Info [528195]
3-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)thiophene-2-carboxamide Drug Info [528195]
3-amino-benzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxylic acid amide Drug Info [528195]
4-amino-biphenyl-3-carboxylic acid amide Drug Info [528195]
5-amino-2-p-tolyl-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid amide Drug Info [528195]
5-amino-2-phenyl-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid amide Drug Info [528195]
5-Bromo-6-methoxy-9H-beta-carboline Drug Info [526654]
6-phenyl-thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamine Drug Info [528195]
IMD-0354 Drug Info [530987]
IMD-1041 Drug Info [532068]
Parthenolide Drug Info [535240]
PF-228 Drug Info [528764]
SAR-113945 Drug Info [544211]
SC-514 Drug Info [529039]
Staurosporine Drug Info [537968]
Modulator MLN0415 Drug Info
Target Expression Profile (TEP) and Drug Resistance Mutation (DRM)
KEGG Pathway MAPK signaling pathway
Ras signaling pathway
Chemokine signaling pathway
NF-kappa B signaling pathway
FoxO signaling pathway
mTOR signaling pathway
PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
Osteoclast differentiation
Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
NOD-like receptor signaling pathway
RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway
Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway
T cell receptor signaling pathway
B cell receptor signaling pathway
TNF signaling pathway
Neurotrophin signaling pathway
Insulin signaling pathway
Adipocytokine signaling pathway
Type II diabetes mellitus
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection
Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis)
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis B
Influenza A
HTLV-I infection
Herpes simplex infection
Epstein-Barr virus infection
Pathways in cancer
MicroRNAs in cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Prostate cancer
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Acute myeloid leukemia
Small cell lung cancer
PANTHER Pathway Apoptosis signaling pathway
B cell activation
Inflammation mediated by chemokine and cytokine signaling pathway
Interleukin signaling pathway
PDGF signaling pathway
T cell activation
Toll receptor signaling pathway
Pathway Interaction Database Fc-epsilon receptor I signaling in mast cells
BCR signaling pathway
GMCSF-mediated signaling events
Atypical NF-kappaB pathway
TCR signaling in na&amp
ve CD4+ T cells
Canonical NF-kappaB pathway
TRAIL signaling pathway
TCR signaling in na&amp
ve CD8+ T cells
FAS (CD95) signaling pathway
IL1-mediated signaling events
mTOR signaling pathway
TNF receptor signaling pathway
FoxO family signaling
p75(NTR)-mediated signaling
Validated transcriptional targets of TAp63 isoforms
Endogenous TLR signaling
PathWhiz Pathway Intracellular Signalling Through Adenosine Receptor A2a and Adenosine
Intracellular Signalling Through Adenosine Receptor A2b and Adenosine
Reactome Activation of NF-kappaB in B cells
NOD1/2 Signaling Pathway
RIP-mediated NFkB activation via ZBP1
p75NTR recruits signalling complexes
NF-kB is activated and signals survival
FCERI mediated NF-kB activation
TAK1 activates NFkB by phosphorylation and activation of IKKs complex
Interleukin-1 signaling
Regulation of TNFR1 signaling
TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway
IKBKB deficiency causes SCID
IKBKG deficiency causes anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency (EDA-ID) (via TLR)
IkBA variant leads to EDA-ID
CLEC7A (Dectin-1) signaling
MAP3K8 (TPL2)-dependent MAPK1/3 activation
TRAF6 mediated NF-kB activation
NF-kB activation through FADD/RIP-1 pathway mediated by caspase-8 and -10
IRAK1 recruits IKK complex
IKK complex recruitment mediated by RIP1
IRAK1 recruits IKK complex upon TLR7/8 or 9 stimulation
WikiPathways Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
Estrogen signaling pathway
TCR Signaling Pathway
Insulin Signaling
IL-4 Signaling Pathway
MAPK Signaling Pathway
NLR Proteins
Induction (Part 1 of 3)
MyD88 cascade initiated on plasma membrane
Cardiac Hypertrophic Response
Cytosolic sensors of pathogen-associated DNA
MyD88 dependent cascade initiated on endosome
Nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor (NLR) signaling pathways
Mal cascade initiated on plasma membrane
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling
MyD88-independent cascade
Signaling by the B Cell Receptor (BCR)
TAK1 activates NFkB by phosphorylation and activation of IKKs complex
Structural Pathway of Interleukin 1 (IL-1)
EBV LMP1 signaling
Polycystic Kidney Disease Pathway
Quercetin and Nf-kB/ AP-1 Induced Cell Apoptosis
BDNF signaling pathway
Interleukin-11 Signaling Pathway
AGE/RAGE pathway
TNF alpha Signaling Pathway
B Cell Receptor Signaling Pathway
IL17 signaling pathway
TWEAK Signaling Pathway
Leptin signaling pathway
RANKL/RANK Signaling Pathway
Signalling by NGF
IL-1 signaling pathway
TCR signaling
RIG-I/MDA5 mediated induction of IFN-alpha/beta pathways
Interleukin-1 signaling
Apoptosis Modulation and Signaling
Type II diabetes mellitus
MicroRNAs in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
Regulation of toll-like receptor signaling pathway
Osteopontin Signaling
NOD pathway
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Ref 1587926URL: The ChEMBL database in 2017

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