Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
2-APB; 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate; 2-aminoethoxydiphenylborane
Drug Type
Small molecular drug
Indication Discovery agent Investigative [1]
PubChem Compound ID
PubChem Substance ID
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Short transient receptor potential channel 1 Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [2]
Vanilloid receptor 1 Target Info Activator [3]
Short transient receptor potential channel 6 Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [4]
TRP cation channel C5 Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [5]
TRPV2 Target Info Activator [6]
Short transient receptor potential channel 3 Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [7]
TRPM6 Target Info Activator [8]
Long transient receptor potential channel 2 Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [9]
Transient receptor potential channel 6, subfamily V Target Info Activator [10]
Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3 Target Info Activator [11]
TRPM3 Target Info Inhibitor (gating inhibitor) [5]
TRPM8 protein Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [12]
TRPC2 Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [13]
TRPC7 Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [14]
TRPM7 Target Info Activator [15]
TRPC4 Target Info Blocker (channel blocker) [16]
BioCyc Pathway Eumelanin biosynthesis
KEGG Pathway Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channelshsa04970:Salivary secretion
Mineral absorptionhsa04750:Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channelshsa04750:Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels
NetPath Pathway IL2 Signaling PathwayNetPath_14:IL2 Signaling Pathway
PANTHER Pathway Alzheimer disease-presenilin pathwayP00004:Alzheimer disease-presenilin pathwayP00004:Alzheimer disease-presenilin pathway
Pathway Interaction Database Trk receptor signaling mediated by the MAPK pathway
Trk receptor signaling mediated by PI3K and PLC-gammaendothelinpathway:Endothelins
Nephrin/Neph1 signaling in the kidney podocyte
EPO signaling pathway
PAR1-mediated thrombin signaling eventspi3kplctrkpathway:Trk receptor signaling mediated by PI3K and PLC-gammatcr_pathway:TCR signaling in na&#xef
Signaling events mediated by PTP1B
TCR signaling in na&#xef
Reactome TRP channels
Role of second messengers in netrin-1 signaling
Antigen activates B Cell Receptor (BCR) leading to generation of second messengersR-HSA-3295583:TRP channelsR-HSA-114508:Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis
Role of second messengers in netrin-1 signalingR-HSA-3295583:TRP channels
Role of second messengers in netrin-1 signalingR-HSA-114508:Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis
Role of second messengers in netrin-1 signalingR-HSA-3295583:TRP channelsR-HSA-3295583:TRP channelsR-HSA-3295583:TRP channelsR-HSA-3295583:TRP channels
WikiPathways Signaling by the B Cell Receptor (BCR)
Netrin-1 signalingWP2572:Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis FSGS
Platelet homeostasis
Netrin-1 signaling
GPCR downstream signaling
Effects of PIP2 hydrolysisWP1868:Netrin-1 signalingWP1885:Platelet homeostasis
Effects of PIP2 hydrolysisWP2877:Vitamin D Receptor Pathway
miR-targeted genes in lymphocytes - TarBase
REF 1(http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 2433).
REF 2TRPC1 and TRPC5 form a novel cation channel in mammalian brain. Neuron. 2001 Mar;29(3):645-55.
REF 32-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate is a common activator of TRPV1, TRPV2, and TRPV3. J Biol Chem. 2004 Aug 20;279(34):35741-8. Epub 2004 Jun 11.
REF 4(http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Target id: 491).
REF 5Block of TRPC5 channels by 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate: a differential, extracellular and voltage-dependent effect. Br J Pharmacol. 2005 Jun;145(4):405-14.
REF 6Pharmacological characterization and molecular determinants of the activation of transient receptor potential V2 channel orthologs by 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate. Mol Pharmacol. 2007 Nov;72(5):1258-68. Epub 2007 Aug 2.
REF 7Mechanism of inhibition of TRPC cation channels by 2-aminoethoxydiphenylborane. Mol Pharmacol. 2005 Sep;68(3):758-62. Epub 2005 Jun 2.
REF 8Functional characterization of homo- and heteromeric channel kinases TRPM6 and TRPM7. J Gen Physiol. 2006 May;127(5):525-37.
REF 9Inhibition of the transient receptor potential cation channel TRPM2 by 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB). Br J Pharmacol. 2008 Mar;153(6):1324-30.
REF 10(http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Target id: 512).
REF 112-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate activates and sensitizes the heat-gated ion channel TRPV3. J Neurosci. 2004 Jun 2;24(22):5177-82.
REF 12Effects of antagonists and heat on TRPM8 channel currents in dorsal root ganglion neuron activated by nociceptive cold stress and menthol. Neurochem Res. 2012 Feb;37(2):314-20.
REF 13A diacylglycerol-gated cation channel in vomeronasal neuron dendrites is impaired in TRPC2 mutant mice: mechanism of pheromone transduction. Neuron. 2003 Oct 30;40(3):551-61.
REF 14(http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Target id: 492).
REF 15LTRPC7 is a Mg.ATP-regulated divalent cation channel required for cell viability. Nature. 2001 May 31;411(6837):590-5.
REF 16(http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Target id: 489).

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