Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Platelet-activating factor receptor
Gene Name
Target Type
Disease Allergy [ICD9: 995.3; ICD10: T78.4]
Asthma [ICD10: J45]
Brain ischaemia [ICD9: 435, 437; ICD10: G45.9, I67.8]
Cardiac arrhythmias [ICD9: 427; ICD10: I47-I49]
Conjunctivitis [ICD9: 372; ICD10: H10]
Cerebral infarction [ICD10: I63]
Inflammatory disease [ICD9: 140-229, 147, 173, 573.3, 710-719; ICD10: C11, C44, K75.9, M00-M25]
Inflammatory bowel disease [ICD9: 555, 556; ICD10: K50, K51]
Nerve injury [ICD10: T14.4]
Ocular allergy [ICD9: 360-379; ICD10: H00-H59]
Pain [ICD9: 338, 356.0, 356.8,780; ICD10: G64, G90.0, R52, G89]
Psoriasis [ICD9: 696; ICD10: L40]
Septic shock [ICD9: 785.52; ICD10: A41.9]
Solid tumours [ICD9: 140-199, 210-229; ICD10: C00-D48]
Stroke [ICD9: 434.91, 437.6, 453, 671.5, 671.9; ICD10: I61-I63, I80-I82]
Thromboembolism [ICD9: 437.6, 453, 671.5, 671.9; ICD10: I80-I82]
Thrombocytopenia [ICD9: 287.3, 287.4, 287.5; ICD10: D69.6, P61.0]
Unspecified [ICD code not available]
Receptor for platelet activating factor, a chemotactic phospholipid mediator that possesses potent inflammatory, smooth- muscle contractile and hypotensive activity. Seems to mediate its action via a G protein that activates a phosphatidylinositol- calcium second messenger system.
BioChemical Class
GPCR rhodopsin
Target Validation
UniProt ID
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Ticlopidine Drug Info Approved Stroke [536186], [542329]
RUPATADINE Drug Info Phase 4 Discovery agent [521763]
ISRAPAFANT Drug Info Phase 3 Asthma [539166], [544953]
CMI-392 Drug Info Phase 2 Psoriasis [526130]
Dersalazine Drug Info Phase 2 Inflammatory bowel disease [544223]
Lexipafant Drug Info Phase 2 Nerve injury [533596]
YM-264 Drug Info Phase 2 Septic shock [551827]
BN 50730 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Asthma [544860]
FOROPAFANT Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Asthma [539165], [545088]
BN50727 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Inflammatory bowel disease [545900]
DE-081 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Conjunctivitis [544551]
E-6123 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Asthma [544861]
Minopafant Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Septic shock [545101]
MK-287 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Septic shock [544956]
Ro-24-4736 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Septic shock [544808]
SM-10661 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Septic shock [545724]
TCV-309 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Septic shock [545100]
UK-74505 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Septic shock [544958]
ABT-299 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Septic shock [539158], [545958]
AGN-191743 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Allergy [545538]
DACOPAFANT Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Septic shock [544523]
DF-1111301 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Allergy [545558]
SDZ-62-434 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Solid tumours [545067]
Apafant Drug Info Terminated Ocular allergy [536119], [539170]
Bepafant Drug Info Terminated Septic shock [541324], [544548]
BN-50726 Drug Info Terminated Nerve injury [544993]
BN50739 Drug Info Terminated Cerebral infarction [539160], [545069]
BN52021 Drug Info Terminated Septic shock [539172], [544554]
CL-184005 Drug Info Terminated Septic shock [544950]
CMI-206 Drug Info Terminated Inflammatory disease [551572]
CV 6209 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [539161], [544844]
FR-128998 Drug Info Terminated Thrombocytopenia [545711]
KC-11404 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [533776]
KC-11425 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [545947]
L-659989 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [540368], [545703]
Ro-24-0238 Drug Info Terminated Septic shock [545571]
SCH-37370 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [544522]
Sch-40338 Drug Info Terminated Allergy [529095], [539163]
SDZ-64-412 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [539164], [544521]
TIAPAFANT Drug Info Terminated Septic shock [541326], [545057]
TULOPAFANT Drug Info Terminated Cardiac arrhythmias [544829]
UR-12460 Drug Info Terminated Thromboembolism [545849]
WEB-2347 Drug Info Terminated Allergy [544959]
Antagonist 10-OBn-7alpha-F-gingkolide B Drug Info [526536]
10-OBn-epi-ginkgolide C Drug Info [526536]
10-OBn-ginkgolide B Drug Info [526536]
10-OBn-ginkgolide C Drug Info [526536]
7-epi-ginkgolide C Drug Info [526536]
7alpha-Cl-ginkgolide B Drug Info [526536]
7alpha-F-ginkgolide B Drug Info [526536]
7alpha-N3-ginkgolide B Drug Info [526536]
7alpha-NH2-ginkgolide B Drug Info [526536]
7alpha-NHEt-ginkgolide B Drug Info [526536]
7alpha-NHMe-ginkgolide B Drug Info [526536]
7alpha-OAc-ginkgolide B Drug Info [526536]
7alpha-OCOCH2Ph-ginkgolide B Drug Info [526536]
ABT-299 Drug Info [534237]
Apafant Drug Info [536119]
Bepafant Drug Info [531921]
BN-50726 Drug Info [526932]
CV-3988 Drug Info [533398]
DACOPAFANT Drug Info [531635], [532945]
DF-1111301 Drug Info [531635], [550948]
FOROPAFANT Drug Info [525756], [528090], [531635]
ISRAPAFANT Drug Info [530579], [531635]
KC-11425 Drug Info [551926]
LAU-0901 Drug Info [529694], [531839]
Minopafant Drug Info [527485]
MK-287 Drug Info [531635], [534027]
Ro-24-4736 Drug Info [528091]
RP-52770 Drug Info [533359]
SDZ-62-434 Drug Info [531635], [534010]
SM-10661 Drug Info [531635], [534276]
TIAPAFANT Drug Info [531635], [533646]
TULOPAFANT Drug Info [531635], [534023]
UK-74505 Drug Info [533761]
YM-264 Drug Info [530793]
[3H]52770 RP Drug Info [533359]
[3H]apafant Drug Info [533649]
Agonist 2-O-ethyl-PAF C-16 Drug Info [533649]
2-O-methyl-PAF C-18 Drug Info [533649]
enantio PAF C-16 Drug Info [533649]
methylcarbamyl PAF Drug Info [543773]
PAF Drug Info [534204]
[3H]PAF Drug Info [526143]
Modulator A 137491 Drug Info [538075]
AGN-191743 Drug Info [550918]
BB-823 Drug Info [533626]
BN 50730 Drug Info
BN50727 Drug Info
BN50739 Drug Info
BN52021 Drug Info
CL-184005 Drug Info
CMI-206 Drug Info
CMI-392 Drug Info [526130]
CV 6209 Drug Info
DE-081 Drug Info [534251]
E-6123 Drug Info
FR-128998 Drug Info [533881]
FR-900452 Drug Info
KC-11404 Drug Info [533776]
KO-286011 Drug Info
Lexipafant Drug Info
SCH-37370 Drug Info [529095]
Sch-40338 Drug Info
SRI-63-675 Drug Info
TCV-309 Drug Info
Ticlopidine Drug Info [556264]
UR-10324 Drug Info
UR-11353 Drug Info
UR-12460 Drug Info [533626]
UR-12510 Drug Info [550919]
UR-12519 Drug Info
WEB-2347 Drug Info [529756]
Inhibitor Dersalazine Drug Info [544223]
L-652731 Drug Info [526814]
L-659989 Drug Info [526814]
Platelet activating factor receptor inhibitors Drug Info [543773]
Ro-24-0238 Drug Info [533343]
RUPATADINE Drug Info [527799]
SDZ-64-412 Drug Info [533935]
VERAGUENSIN Drug Info [526814]
Target Expression Profile (TEP) and Drug Resistance Mutation (DRM)
KEGG Pathway Calcium signaling pathway
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
Staphylococcus aureus infection
NetPath Pathway IL5 Signaling Pathway
Leptin Signaling Pathway
Reactome Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors)
G alpha (q) signalling events
Interferon gamma signaling
WikiPathways GPCRs, Class A Rhodopsin-like
Gastrin-CREB signalling pathway via PKC and MAPK
Small Ligand GPCRs
Interferon gamma signaling
GPCR ligand binding
GPCR downstream signaling
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Ref 526130Anti-inflammatory activities of LDP-392, a dual PAF receptor antagonist and 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor. Pharmacol Res. 2001 Sep;44(3):213-20.
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Ref 533596Randomized, double-blind phase II trial of Lexipafant, a platelet-activating factor antagonist, in human acute pancreatitis. Br J Surg. 1995 Oct;82(10):1414-20.
Ref 533776Synthesis, structure-activity relationships, and pharmacological evaluation of pyrrolo[3,2,1-ij]quinoline derivatives: potent histamine and platelet activating factor antagonism and 5-lipoxygenase inhibitory properties. Potential therapeutic application in asthma. J Med Chem. 1995 Feb 17;38(4):669-85.
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