Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Vasopressin V2 receptor
Gene Name
AVPR V2; Antidiuretic hormone receptor; Renal-type arginine vasopressin receptor; AVPR2
Target Type
Disease Acute and chronic heart failure [ICD9: 428; ICD10: I50]
Congestive heart failure [ICD9: 428; ICD10: I50]
Dysmenorrhea [ICD9: 625.3; ICD10: N94.4-N94.6]
Euvolemic hyponatremia; Hypervolemic hyponatremia [ICD9: 276.1; ICD10: E87.1]
Euvolemic hyponatremia [ICD9: 276.1; ICD10: E87.1]
Enuresis; Polyuria; Diabetes insipidus [ICD9: 250, 253.5, 307.6, 588.1, 788.30, 788.42; ICD10: E08-E13, E23.2, F98.0, N25.1]
Hypervolaemic hyponatraemia; Euvolaemic hyponatraemia [ICD9: 276.1; ICD10: E87.1]
Heart failure [ICD9: 428; ICD10: I50]
Hyponatraemia [ICD10: E87.1]
Nocturia [ICD10: R35]
Urinary incontinence [ICD9: 788.3; ICD10: N39.3, N39.4, R32]
Receptor for arginine vasopressin. The activity of this receptor is mediated by G proteins which activate adenylate cyclase. Involved in renal water reabsorption.
BioChemical Class
GPCR rhodopsin
Target Validation
UniProt ID
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Conivaptan Drug Info Approved Euvolemic hyponatremia [1], [2]
DDAVP Drug Info Approved Diabetes [3]
Mozavaptan Drug Info Approved Hyponatraemia [4], [5], [6]
OPC-31260 Drug Info Approved Hyponatraemia [5], [6]
Tolvaptan Drug Info Approved Hypervolaemic hyponatraemia; Euvolaemic hyponatraemia [7], [8]
Vasopressin Drug Info Approved Enuresis; Polyuria; Diabetes insipidus [9], [10]
ATOSIBAN Drug Info Phase 4 Discovery agent [11], [12]
Lixivaptan Drug Info Phase 3 Euvolemic hyponatremia; Hypervolemic hyponatremia [13], [14]
Satavaptan Drug Info Phase 3 Acute and chronic heart failure [15], [16]
SR121463B Drug Info Phase 3 Discovery agent [17]
Tolvaptan Drug Info Phase 3 Heart failure [7], [8]
ASP-7035 Drug Info Phase 2 Nocturia [18]
Lixivaptan Drug Info Phase 2 Congestive heart failure [13], [14]
SPD-556 Drug Info Phase 2 Heart failure [19]
VA-106483 Drug Info Phase 2 Nocturia [20]
OPC-51803 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Urinary incontinence [21], [22]
OX 19 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Urinary incontinence [23]
VNA-932 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Urinary incontinence [24], [25]
JTV-605 Drug Info Terminated Dysmenorrhea [26]
Inhibitor ARGENINE VASOPRESSIN Drug Info [27]
ATOSIBAN Drug Info [28]
D(CH2)5[Tyr(Me)2,Thr4,Orn8,Tyr9-NH2]VT Drug Info [29]
DVDAVP Drug Info [27]
D[Arg4,Dab8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Arg4,Lys8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Arg4,Orn8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Arg4]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4,Dab8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4,Dap8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4,Lys8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4,Orn8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[D-3-Pal2]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4,Dab8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4,Dap8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4,Lys8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4,Orn8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[Orn4,Lys8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Orn4,Orn8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Orn4]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[Val4]AVP Drug Info [27]
L-372662 Drug Info [30]
Mozavaptan Drug Info [31]
SR-149415 Drug Info [32]
VA-106483 Drug Info [33]
YM-35278 Drug Info [34]
Agonist ASP-7035 Drug Info [35]
dAVP Drug Info [36]
DDAVP Drug Info [37], [38], [39], [40]
OPC-51803 Drug Info [41]
OX 19 Drug Info [42]
Vasopressin Drug Info [43]
VNA-932 Drug Info [44], [6]
[3H]OT (human, mouse, rat) Drug Info [45]
[Phe3]OT Drug Info [46]
[Val4]AVP Drug Info [47]
Antagonist CL-385004 Drug Info [48]
d(CH2)5[D-Ile2,Ile4]AVP Drug Info [49]
d(CH2)5[Tyr(Me)2]AVP Drug Info [49]
d[Pen1,Tyr(Me)2]AVP Drug Info [49]
FR161282 Drug Info [48]
JTV-605 Drug Info [48]
Lixivaptan Drug Info [50]
OPC-31260 Drug Info [51], [52], [48]
Satavaptan Drug Info [15]
SPD-556 Drug Info [45]
SR 121463 A Drug Info [51]
SR121463B Drug Info [37]
Tolvaptan Drug Info [7], [53]
VP-343 Drug Info [48]
YM 218 Drug Info [54]
YM 471 Drug Info [55]
[3H]SR 121463A Drug Info [56]
Modulator Conivaptan Drug Info [57], [58]
KEGG Pathway Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
Vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption
Pathway Interaction Database Arf6 trafficking events
PathWhiz Pathway Vasopressin Regulation of Water Homeostasis
Reactome Vasopressin-like receptors
G alpha (s) signalling events
Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins
WikiPathways GPCRs, Class A Rhodopsin-like
Regulation of Water Balance by Renal Aquaporins
Peptide GPCRs
GPCR ligand binding
GPCR downstream signaling
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