Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Vasopressin V1a receptor
Gene Name
AVPR V1a; Antidiuretic hormone receptor 1a; V1a vasopressin receptor; V1aR; Vascular/hepatic-type arginine vasopressin receptor; AVPR1A
Target Type
Disease Anxiety disorder [ICD9: 300, 311; ICD10: F32, F40-F42]
Acute and chronic heart failure [ICD9: 428; ICD10: I50]
Autism [ICD9: 299; ICD10: F84.0]
Cardiotonic [ICD10: I50]
Dysmenorrhea [ICD9: 625.3; ICD10: N94.4-N94.6]
Euvolemic hyponatremia [ICD9: 276.1; ICD10: E87.1]
Female sexual dysfunction [ICD9: 302.7; ICD10: F52]
Hyponatraemia [ICD10: E87.1]
Hypertension [ICD9: 401; ICD10: I10-I16]
Infertility [ICD9: 628; ICD10: N97.0]
Localisation [ICD code not available]
Septic shock [ICD9: 785.52; ICD10: A41.9]
Receptor for arginine vasopressin. The activity of this receptor is mediated by G proteins which activate a phosphatidyl- inositol-calcium second messenger system. Has been involved in social behaviors, including affiliation and attachment.
BioChemical Class
GPCR rhodopsin
Target Validation
UniProt ID
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Conivaptan Drug Info Approved Euvolemic hyponatremia [1], [2]
Felypressin Drug Info Approved Localisation [3]
Mozavaptan Drug Info Approved Hyponatraemia [4], [5], [6]
OPC-31260 Drug Info Approved Hyponatraemia [5], [6]
Terlipressin Drug Info Approved Hypertension [7]
ATOSIBAN Drug Info Phase 4 Discovery agent [8], [9]
FE-202158 Drug Info Phase 2 Septic shock [10]
RG7314 Drug Info Phase 2 Autism [11]
VA-111913 Drug Info Phase 2 Dysmenorrhea [12]
SRX-246 Drug Info Phase 1/2 Anxiety disorder [13]
SRX-251 Drug Info Phase 1 Dysmenorrhea [14]
NOX-F37 Drug Info Preclinical Acute and chronic heart failure [15]
OPC-21268 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Cardiotonic [16], [17]
Relcovaptan Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Discovery agent [18], [19]
PF-3274167 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Female sexual dysfunction [20]
JTV-605 Drug Info Terminated Dysmenorrhea [21]
L-371257 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [22], [23]
Inhibitor 1'-tosylspiro[indene-1,4'-piperidine] Drug Info [24]
A-987306 Drug Info [25]
Ac-Phe-[Orn-Pro-cha-Trp-Arg] Drug Info [26]
ATOSIBAN Drug Info [28]
D(CH2)5[Tyr(Me)2,Thr4,Orn8(5/6C-Flu),Tyr-NH29]VT Drug Info [29]
D(CH2)5[Tyr(Me)2,Thr4,Orn8,Tyr9-NH2]VT Drug Info [29]
DesGly-NH2,d(CH2)5[D-Tyr2,Thr4,Orn8(5/6C-Flu)]VT Drug Info [29]
DVDAVP Drug Info [27]
D[Arg4,Dab8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Arg4,Lys8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Arg4,Orn8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Arg4]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4,Dab8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4,Dap8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4,Lys8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4,Orn8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Cha4]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[D-3-Pal2]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4,Dab8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4,Dap8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4,Lys8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4,Orn8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Leu4]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[Lys8(5/6-Flu)]VT Drug Info [29]
D[Orn4,Lys8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Orn4,Orn8]VP Drug Info [27]
D[Orn4]AVP Drug Info [27]
D[Orn8(5/6C-Flu)]VT Drug Info [29]
D[Thr4,Lys8(5/6C-Flu)]VT Drug Info [29]
D[Thr4,Orn8(5/6C-Flu)]VT Drug Info [29]
D[Val4]AVP Drug Info [27]
HO-LVA Drug Info [30]
Hoo-Phe-Orn-Pro-hle-Pff-Phe-NH2 Drug Info [26]
L-371257 Drug Info [24]
L-372662 Drug Info [24]
Mozavaptan Drug Info [31]
PF-3274167 Drug Info [24]
Relcovaptan Drug Info [30]
SR-149415 Drug Info [32]
[HO1][Lys8(5/6C-Flu)]VT Drug Info [29]
[HO1][Orn8(5/6C-Flu)]VT Drug Info [29]
[HO1][Orn8(5/6C-Rhm)]VT Drug Info [29]
[HO1][Thr4,Lys8(5/6C-Flu)]VT Drug Info [29]
[HO1][Thr4,Orn8(5/6C-Flu)]VT Drug Info [29]
[Lys8(Alexa 488) ]PVA Drug Info [30]
[Lys8(Alexa 546) ]PVA Drug Info [30]
Antagonist CL-385004 Drug Info [33]
d(CH2)5[Tyr(Me)2]AVP Drug Info [34]
d[Pen1,Tyr(Me)2]AVP Drug Info [35]
JTV-605 Drug Info [33]
L023103 Drug Info [36]
LS-192629 Drug Info [37]
NOX-F37 Drug Info [15]
OPC-21268 Drug Info [38], [33]
OPC-31260 Drug Info [38]
SRX-246 Drug Info [39]
SRX-251 Drug Info [40]
SSR126768A Drug Info [41]
V1A F/U Drug Info [42]
VA-111913 Drug Info [43]
YM 218 Drug Info [44]
YM 471 Drug Info [45]
[3H]relcovaptan Drug Info [46]
Modulator Conivaptan Drug Info [47], [48]
RG7314 Drug Info [49]
Agonist dAVP Drug Info [50]
FE-202158 Drug Info [51]
Felypressin Drug Info [52]
[3H]OT (human, mouse, rat) Drug Info [53]
[Phe3]OT Drug Info [54]
[Thr4,Gly7]OT Drug Info [53]
[Val4]AVP Drug Info [55]
Stimulator Terlipressin Drug Info [56]
Target Expression Profile (TEP) and Drug Resistance Mutation (DRM)
KEGG Pathway Calcium signaling pathway
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
Vascular smooth muscle contraction
Reactome Vasopressin-like receptors
G alpha (q) signalling events
WikiPathways GPCRs, Class A Rhodopsin-like
Gastrin-CREB signalling pathway via PKC and MAPK
Peptide GPCRs
GPCR ligand binding
GPCR downstream signaling
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