Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
5-hydroxytryptamine 1A receptor
Gene Name
5-HT-1A; 5-HT1A; 5-HT1A receptor; 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1A; G-21; Serotonin receptor; Serotonin receptor 1A; HTR1A
Target Type
Disease Aggressive non-hodgkin's lymphoma [ICD9: 200, 201, 202, 202.8, 208.9; ICD10: C81, C81-C86, C82-C85, C91-C95]
Anxiety disorder [ICD9: 300, 311; ICD10: F32, F40-F42]
Alzheimer disease; Peripheral sensory neuropathies; Lateral sclerosis [ICD9:331.0, 356.0, 356.8; ICD10: G30, G64, G90.0, G12.2]
Alzheimer disease [ICD9: 331; ICD10: G30]
Addiction [ICD code not available]
Bulimia nervosa; Severe mood disorders [ICD9: 296, 307.51; ICD10: F30-F39, F50.2]
Cognitive disorders [ICD9: 290-294, 294.0, 780.09, 780.9, 780.93; ICD10: F01-F07, F04, F05, R41.3]
Coronary artery disease [ICD9: 410-414, 429.2; ICD10: I20-I25]
Cervical dystonia; Spasm [ICD9:333.83, 728.85; ICD10: G24.3, R25.2]
Depression [ICD9: 311; ICD10: F30-F39]
Eating disorder [ICD9: 278, 307.5, 401, 428.0; ICD10: E66, F50, I10-I16, I50]
Female sexual dysfunction [ICD9: 302.7; ICD10: F52]
Generalized anxiety disorder; Social phobia [ICD9: 300, 300.02, 300.23; ICD10: F40-F42, F40.1, F41.1, F93.2]
Generalized anxiety disorder [ICD9: 300, 300.02, 311; ICD10: F32, F40-F42, F41.1]
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder [ICD10: F52.0]
Hypertension [ICD9: 401; ICD10: I10-I16]
Insomnia [ICD9: 307.41, 307.42, 327.0, 780.51, 780.52; ICD10: F51.0, G47.0]
Mood disorder [ICD10: F30-F39]
Migraine [ICD9: 346; ICD10: G43]
Major depressive disorder; Episode; Anxiety [ICD9: 296.2, 296.3, 300; ICD10: F32, F32.2, F32.3, F33, F40-F42]
Major depressive disorder [ICD9: 296.2, 296.3, 710.0; ICD10: F32, F33, M32]
Psychiatric disorder [ICD9: 290-319; ICD10: F01-F99]
Parkinson's disease [ICD9: 332; ICD10: G20]
Psychotic disorders [ICD9: 290-299; ICD10: F20-F29]
Premature ejaculation [ICD9: 302.75; ICD10: F52.4]
Post-traumatic stress disorder [ICD9: 309.81; ICD10: F43.1]
Pain [ICD9: 338, 356.0, 356.8,780; ICD10: G64, G90.0, R52, G89]
Schizoaffective disorder; Schizophrenia [ICD9: 295, 295.70; ICD10: F20, F25]
Schizophrenia [ICD9: 295; ICD10: F20]
Severe mood disorders [ICD9: 296; ICD10: F30-F39]
Urinary incontinence [ICD9: 788.3; ICD10: N39.3, N39.4, R32]
Unspecified [ICD code not available]
G-protein coupled receptor for 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin). Also functions as a receptor for various drugs and psychoactive substances. Ligand binding causes a conformation change that triggers signaling via guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) and modulates the activity of down-stream effectors, such as adenylate cyclase. Beta-arrestin family members inhibit signaling via G proteins and mediate activation of alternative signaling pathways. Signaling inhibits adenylate cyclase activity and activates a phosphatidylinositol-calcium second messenger system that regulates the release of Ca(2+) ions from intracellular stores. Plays a role in the regulation of 5- hydroxytryptamine release and in the regulation of dopamine and 5- hydroxytryptamine metabolism. Plays a role in the regulation of dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine levels in the brain, and thereby affects neural activity, mood and behavior. Plays a role in the response to anxiogenic stimuli.
BioChemical Class
GPCR rhodopsin
Target Validation
UniProt ID
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Buspirone Drug Info Approved Anxiety disorder [536505], [540478]
Flibanserin Drug Info Approved Mood disorder [532651], [542987]
OPC-34712 Drug Info Approved Major depressive disorder [523551], [542651]
TERTATOLOL Drug Info Approved Hypertension [541537], [551871]
Trazodone Drug Info Approved Depression [536306], [539351]
Treximet Drug Info Approved Migraine [538578]
Urapidil Drug Info Approved Hypertension [551871]
Vilazodone Drug Info Approved Major depressive disorder [531783], [542450]
CM-2395 Drug Info Phase 3 Schizophrenia [551513]
Flibanserin Drug Info Phase 3 Female sexual dysfunction [536493], [542987]
LECOZOTAN HYDROCHLORIDE Drug Info Phase 2/3 Cognitive disorders [521788]
Eltoprazine Drug Info Phase 2 Aggressive non-hodgkin's lymphoma [523309]
Ensaculin hydrochloride Drug Info Phase 2 Parkinson's disease [526403]
Mazapertine succinate Drug Info Phase 2 Psychotic disorders [534644]
MIN-117 Drug Info Phase 2 Major depressive disorder [549451]
MN-305 Drug Info Phase 2 Severe mood disorders [536580]
Neu-P11 Drug Info Phase 2 Insomnia [523722]
OPC-14523 Drug Info Phase 2 Bulimia nervosa; Severe mood disorders [536493]
ORG-13011 Drug Info Phase 2 Psychotic disorders [521409]
RP5063 Drug Info Phase 2 Schizoaffective disorder; Schizophrenia [523723]
S-15535 Drug Info Phase 2 Anxiety disorder [539677], [545119]
S-16924 Drug Info Phase 2 Anxiety disorder [525424], [534704], [539033]
SDZ-MAR-327 Drug Info Phase 2 Psychotic disorders [534772], [536463]
SUN N4057 Drug Info Phase 2 Coronary artery disease [521780]
TGBA01AD Drug Info Phase 2 Severe mood disorders [536580]
TGFK08AA-ER Drug Info Phase 2 Generalized anxiety disorder [550644]
TGFK09SD-ER Drug Info Phase 2 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder [550647]
TGWOOAA Drug Info Phase 2 Generalized anxiety disorder; Social phobia [550646]
Zalospirone Drug Info Phase 2 Anxiety disorder [533189], [541119]
1192U90 Drug Info Phase 1 Psychotic disorders [534252]
AV-965 Drug Info Phase 1 Alzheimer disease [548413]
DSP-1053 Drug Info Phase 1 Major depressive disorder [524195]
GSK-958108 Drug Info Phase 1 Premature ejaculation [522300]
OPC-14523 Drug Info Phase 1 Female sexual dysfunction [536493]
SSR-181507 Drug Info Phase 1 Schizophrenia [536463]
Umespirone Drug Info Phase 1 Anxiety disorder [544712]
CM-2236 Drug Info Preclinical Post-traumatic stress disorder [548834]
PD-158771 Drug Info Preclinical Schizophrenia [536463]
LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE Drug Info Withdrawn from market Addiction [526769], [539053]
Bifeprunox Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Schizophrenia [536463]
BMS-181100 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Psychotic disorders [542913], [544706]
Flesinoxan Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Anxiety disorder [538607], [544790]
Sunepitron Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Discovery agent [545699]
TIOSPIRONE Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Discovery agent [538617], [544679]
Xaliproden Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Alzheimer disease; Peripheral sensory neuropathies; Lateral sclerosis [544941]
Adatanserin Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Severe mood disorders [536580]
ALNESPIRONE Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Anxiety disorder [544887]
AP-521 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Anxiety disorder [545798]
DU 125530 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Mood disorder [547248]
GSK163090 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Major depressive disorder; Episode; Anxiety [548510]
LESOPITRON DIHYDROCHLORIDE Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Mood disorder [544898]
MAZAPERTINE Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Discovery agent [545274]
PRX-00023 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Severe mood disorders [536580]
REC-15/3079 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Urinary incontinence [542421], [546820]
Robalzotan Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Anxiety disorder [542212], [546103]
Sarizotan Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Parkinson's disease [536923]
BINOSPIRONE MESYLATE Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Anxiety disorder [544704]
DU-29894 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Psychotic disorders [544888]
E2101 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Cervical dystonia; Spasm [547174]
Ebalzotan Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Anxiety disorder [546211]
Eptapirone Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Anxiety disorder [546879]
GR-127607 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Migraine [545504]
Nerisopam Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Anxiety disorder [544884]
SLV-313 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Schizophrenia [536463]
SUN-8399 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Anxiety disorder [544893]
U-93385 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Anxiety disorder [545114]
1192U90 Drug Info Terminated Schizophrenia [536463]
A-74283 Drug Info Terminated Hypertension [545136]
A-80426 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [546043]
Anpirtoline Drug Info Terminated Pain [528148]
BMY-7378 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [543289], [544847]
BTS-79018 Drug Info Terminated Schizophrenia [536463]
CGS-18102A Drug Info Terminated Anxiety disorder [545030]
CP-293019 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [543340], [546533]
Du-123015 Drug Info Terminated Anxiety disorder [550366]
Gepirone ER Drug Info Terminated Depression [536580]
HT-90B Drug Info Terminated Anxiety disorder [545512]
Ipsapirone Drug Info Terminated Anxiety disorder [467532], [544710]
LY-293284 Drug Info Terminated Anxiety disorder [539199], [545514]
NAN-190 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [542320], [544809]
RWJ-25730 Drug Info Terminated Psychotic disorders [544892]
S-14506 Drug Info Terminated Anxiety disorder [539527], [544866]
SDZ 216-525 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [542751], [544906]
SDZ-MAR-327 Drug Info Terminated Schizophrenia [536463]
SLV-307 Drug Info Terminated Parkinson's disease [551583]
WAY 100135 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [542821], [545080]
WAY-100635 Drug Info Terminated Eating disorder [542914], [545310]
WB-4101 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [468117], [545656]
Sunepitron Drug Info Investigative Unspecified [528210]
Inhibitor (3-Chloro-phenyl)-piperazin-1-yl-methanone Drug Info [533476]
(R)-(-)-10-methyl-11-hydroxyaporphine Drug Info [528876]
(R)-11-Amino-2-methoxyaporphine Drug Info [529541]
(R)-2,11-Diaminoaporphine Drug Info [529541]
1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-naphthalen-2-ylamine Drug Info [533482]
1,6-bis(4-(3-chlorophenyl)piperazin-1-yl)hexane Drug Info [530927]
1,6-bis(4-(3-methoxyphenyl)piperazin-1-yl)hexane Drug Info [530927]
1,6-bis(4-(pyridin-2-yl)piperazin-1-yl)hexane Drug Info [530927]
1,6-bis(4-m-tolylpiperazin-1-yl)hexane Drug Info [530927]
1,6-bis(4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)hexane Drug Info [530927]
1-((S)-2-aminopropyl)-1H-indazol-6-ol Drug Info [527952]
1-(2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methyl-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533476]
1-(2,5-Dimethoxy-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533476]
1-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)propan-2-amine Drug Info [533498]
1-(2-((3-fluorophenoxy)methyl)phenyl)piperazine Drug Info [530474]
1-(2-(2-chlorophenoxy)pyridin-3-yl)piperazine Drug Info [530596]
1-(2-(2-fluorobenzyloxy)phenyl)piperazine Drug Info [530474]
1-(2-(3-fluorophenoxy)phenyl)piperazine Drug Info [530474]
1-(2-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl)piperazine Drug Info [530474]
1-(2-(benzyloxy)phenyl)piperazine Drug Info [530474]
1-(2-(phenoxymethyl)phenyl)piperazine Drug Info [530474]
1-(2-Butoxy-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533134]
1-(2-Chloro-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [528039]
1-(2-Ethoxy-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533134]
1-(2-Fluoro-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533134]
1-(2-Isopropoxy-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533134]
1-(2-Methoxy-phenyl)-4-propyl-piperazine Drug Info [533873]
1-(2-Methoxy-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [528039]
1-(2-methoxyphenyl)-4-pentylpiperazine Drug Info [531189]
1-(2-phenoxyphenyl)piperazine Drug Info [530474]
1-(3-(pentafluorosulfanyl)phenyl)propan-2-amine Drug Info [529013]
1-(3-Fluoro-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533134]
1-(3-Nitro-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533134]
1-(3-Trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533476]
1-(4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533476]
1-(7-Methoxy-naphthalen-2-yl)-piperazine Drug Info [534528]
1-(benzyloxy)-2-(2-phenylethyl)benzene Drug Info [528493]
1-(benzyloxy)-2-[2-(3-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]benzene Drug Info [528493]
1-Benzyl-4-chroman-2-ylmethyl-piperazine Drug Info [527368]
1-Butyl-4-(2-methoxy-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533873]
1-Ethyl-4-(2-methoxy-phenyl)-piperazine Drug Info [533873]
1-Methyl-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one Drug Info [526055]
1-Naphthalen-1-yl-piperazine Drug Info [533482]
1-Naphthalen-2-yl-piperazine Drug Info [533482]
1-Propyl-3-(3-trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-pyrrolidine Drug Info [551334]
1-[(3-methoxybenzyl)oxy]-2-(2-phenylethyl)benzene Drug Info [528493]
2-(2'-methyl-biphenyl-3-yl)-ethylamine Drug Info [528780]
2-(2-Amino-propyl)-5-bromo-4-methoxy-phenol Drug Info [533498]
2-(2-chlorophenoxy)-3-(piperidin-4-yl)pyridine Drug Info [530596]
2-(2-fluorophenoxy)-3-(piperidin-4-yl)pyridine Drug Info [530596]
2-(2-Methoxy-phenyl)-1-methyl-ethylamine Drug Info [533498]
2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-3-(piperidin-4-yl)pyridine Drug Info [530596]
2-(3-Bromophenylthio)-N,N-dimethylethanamine Drug Info [530699]
2-(3-Methoxy-phenyl)-1-methyl-ethylamine Drug Info [533498]
2-(4-Benzyl-piperidin-1-ylmethyl)-chroman-4-one Drug Info [527368]
2-(4-Bromo-2-methoxy-phenyl)-1-methyl-ethylamine Drug Info [533498]
2-(4-Bromo-phenyl)-1-methyl-ethylamine Drug Info [533498]
2-(4-Methyl-piperazin-1-yl)-4-phenyl-pyrimidine Drug Info [551319]
2-(5-Methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)-1-methyl-ethylamine Drug Info [526713]
2-(Biphenyl-3-ylthio)-N,N-dimethylethanamine Drug Info [530699]
2-Dipropylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-anthracen-9-ol Drug Info [551246]
2-phenoxy-3-(piperidin-4-yl)pyridine Drug Info [530596]
2-Piperazin-1-yl-benzonitrile Drug Info [533134]
2-Piperazin-1-yl-phenol Drug Info [533476]
2-{[2-(2-phenylethyl)phenoxy]methyl}pyridine Drug Info [528493]
3-(1,2,3,6-Tetrahydro-pyridin-4-yl)-1H-indole Drug Info [532389]
3-(1-Propyl-pyrrolidin-3-yl)-phenol Drug Info [551334]
3-(2-Amino-propyl)-1H-indol-5-ol Drug Info [526713]
3-(2-Benzylamino-ethoxy)-phenol Drug Info [534787]
3-(3-Methanesulfonyl-phenyl)-1-propyl-pyrrolidine Drug Info [551334]
3-(4-Benzyl-piperidin-1-ylmethyl)-chroman-4-one Drug Info [527368]
3-(4-Benzyl-piperidin-1-ylmethyl)-chromen-4-one Drug Info [527368]
3-(piperidin-4-yl)-2-(o-tolyloxy)pyridine Drug Info [530596]
3-Amino-1-(2-amino-5-methoxy-phenyl)-propan-1-one Drug Info [533476]
3-Butyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-benzo[d]azepin-6-ol Drug Info [526822]
3-Ethyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-benzo[d]azepin-6-ol Drug Info [526822]
3-Naphthalen-1-yl-1-propyl-pyrrolidine Drug Info [551334]
3-Naphthalen-1-yl-pyrrolidine Drug Info [551334]
3-Phenyl-1-propyl-pyrrolidine Drug Info [551334]
3-{[2-(2-phenylethyl)phenoxy]methyl}pyridine Drug Info [528493]
4-(1H-indol-4-yloxy)-1-(isopropylamino)butan-2-ol Drug Info [529018]
4-(2-(2-fluoro-5-methylphenoxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-(2-fluorobenzyloxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-(3-chlorophenoxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-(3-fluorophenoxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-(4-fluorobenzyloxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-(benzyloxy)-3-fluorophenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-(benzyloxy)-6-fluorophenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-(benzyloxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-fluoro-6-(2-fluorophenoxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530596]
4-(2-fluoro-6-(3-fluorophenoxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-fluoro-6-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-fluoro-6-phenoxyphenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(2-phenoxyphenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(3-fluoro-2-phenoxyphenyl)piperidine Drug Info [530474]
4-(4-butylpiperidin-1-yl)-1-o-tolylbutan-1-one Drug Info [531079]
4-Benzyl-1-chroman-2-ylmethyl-piperidine Drug Info [527368]
4-Benzyl-1-chroman-3-ylmethyl-piperidine Drug Info [527368]
5,6-dichloro-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-amine Drug Info [529148]
5-chloro-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-amine Drug Info [529148]
5-chloro-4-ethyl-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-amine Drug Info [529148]
5-chloro-4-methyl-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-amine Drug Info [529148]
8-Methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-naphthalen-2-ylamine Drug Info [551246]
8-Methoxy-2-(4-methyl-piperazin-1-yl)-quinoline Drug Info [533482]
8-Methoxy-2-piperazin-1-yl-quinoline Drug Info [533482]
8-methoxy-4-methyl-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-amine Drug Info [529148]
8-Methoxy-quinolin-2-ylamine Drug Info [533482]
9-Methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-anthracen-2-ylamine Drug Info [551246]
A-80426 Drug Info [527799]
A-987306 Drug Info [529789]
AGROCLAVINE Drug Info [532683]
BMY-7378 Drug Info [534142]
Brolamfetamine Drug Info [533498]
CP-293019 Drug Info [534783]
ESCHOLTZINE Drug Info [528095]
Etisulergine Drug Info [533501]
JNJ-10392980 Drug Info [529569]
MAZAPERTINE Drug Info [533800]
MCL-516 Drug Info [529541]
N-(3-(1H-indol-4-yloxy)propyl)cyclohexanamine Drug Info [529018]
N-(3-(1H-indol-4-yloxy)propyl)cyclopentanamine Drug Info [529018]
N-Benzyl-4-(2-diphenyl)-1-piperazinehexanamide Drug Info [529703]
N-methyllaurotetanine Drug Info [528095]
N-[4-(4-Phenyl-piperazin-1-yl)-butyl]-benzamide Drug Info [533428]
PB-28 Drug Info [534094]
PG-01037 Drug Info [528974]
QUIPAZINE Drug Info [530451]
SB-271046 Drug Info [529191]
SB-656104 Drug Info [527395]
SEROTONIN Drug Info [530451]
SNAP-8719 Drug Info [527512]
SPIPERONE Drug Info [533936]
Sunepitron Drug Info [528210]
TERTATOLOL Drug Info [551246]
TIOSPIRONE Drug Info [528304]
UH-232 Drug Info [551330]
UH-301 Drug Info [534363]
WAY-466 Drug Info [527381]
WB-4101 Drug Info [533936]
Antagonist (R)-flurocarazolol Drug Info [526124]
(S)-flurocarazolol Drug Info [526124]
(S)-UH-301 Drug Info [538050]
(S)-WAY 100135 Drug Info [538050]
9-OH-risperidone Drug Info [534281]
AV-965 Drug Info [548414]
BINOSPIRONE MESYLATE Drug Info [526194], [551871]
cyamemazine Drug Info [526510]
DSP-1053 Drug Info [533288]
DU 125530 Drug Info [535456]
GR 125,743 Drug Info [534412]
GSK-958108 Drug Info [551853]
GSK163090 Drug Info [550963]
LECOZOTAN HYDROCHLORIDE Drug Info [528845], [551871]
LY433221 Drug Info [536286]
MIN-117 Drug Info [550002]
MPDT Drug Info [525722]
NAN-190 Drug Info [538050]
ORG-13011 Drug Info [525547], [551871]
P-MPPI Drug Info [538050], [538142]
p-[18F]MPPF Drug Info [527909]
PD-158771 Drug Info [536463]
REC-15/3079 Drug Info [526201]
repinotan Drug Info [534575]
Robalzotan Drug Info [535041]
RP5063 Drug Info [549962], [551645]
S-15535 Drug Info [525641], [551871]
SB 272183 Drug Info [526100]
SB 649915 Drug Info [527551]
SB 714786 Drug Info [527551]
SDZ 216-525 Drug Info [538050]
SLV-307 Drug Info [527204]
TGWOOAA Drug Info [550645]
Treximet Drug Info [550963]
Umespirone Drug Info [528329]
WAY 100135 Drug Info [538050]
WAY-100635 Drug Info [535073], [535298], [535456]
Xaliproden Drug Info [549823]
[11C]WAY100635 Drug Info [527424]
[3H]p-MPPF Drug Info [527360]
[3H]robalzotan Drug Info [534771]
[3H]WAY100635 Drug Info [534329]
Agonist 1-naphthylpiperazine Drug Info [534528]
1192U90 Drug Info [536463]
5-CT Drug Info [534412]
7-methoxy-1-naphthylpiperazine Drug Info [534528]
A-74283 Drug Info [534558]
Adatanserin Drug Info [534942], [536580]
ALNESPIRONE Drug Info [534835], [551871]
AP-521 Drug Info [533147], [551871]
BRL-15572 Drug Info [534475]
Buspirone Drug Info [536213]
CM-2236 Drug Info [550867]
CM-2395 Drug Info [548980]
CP 93129 Drug Info [534412]
Dual norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors/5-HT1A partial agonists Drug Info [543357]
Ebalzotan Drug Info [526199]
Eltoprazine Drug Info [551057]
EMDT Drug Info [525722]
Eptapirone Drug Info [527844]
FG-5893 Drug Info [534714]
Flesinoxan Drug Info [525612]
Gepirone ER Drug Info [536580]
GR-127607 Drug Info [545505]
Ipsapirone Drug Info [536988]
L-772,405 Drug Info [525646]
LP-12 Drug Info [528956]
LP-211 Drug Info [529703]
LP-44 Drug Info [528956]
LY 165,163 Drug Info [534714]
LY-293284 Drug Info [533615]
MN-305 Drug Info [536580]
nafadotride Drug Info [534714]
Nerisopam Drug Info [534238]
Neu-P11 Drug Info [551415]
piribedil Drug Info [526443]
S-14671 Drug Info [534606]
SB 216641 Drug Info [534475]
spiroxatrine Drug Info [534714]
SUN N4057 Drug Info [535277]
SUN-8399 Drug Info [533869]
U-93385 Drug Info [533820], [551871]
U92016A Drug Info [533822]
Urapidil Drug Info [538139]
Zalospirone Drug Info [533189]
[3H]8-OH-DPAT Drug Info [525927]
[3H]NLX-112 Drug Info [531129]
[3H]S-15535 Drug Info [534606]
Modulator Anpirtoline Drug Info [528148]
Bifeprunox Drug Info
BMS-181100 Drug Info
CGS-18102A Drug Info [526784]
CGS-19480A Drug Info [550159], [551871]
Du-123015 Drug Info [550367]
DU-29894 Drug Info [533724]
E2101 Drug Info [535482]
EMD 56551 Drug Info
Ensaculin hydrochloride Drug Info [526403]
Flibanserin Drug Info [532651]
HT-90B Drug Info [534198]
Mazapertine succinate Drug Info
NLX-101 Drug Info
NPT-500 Drug Info [543357]
OPC-14523 Drug Info [552279]
OPC-34712 Drug Info
PRX-00023 Drug Info
RWJ-25730 Drug Info
S-14506 Drug Info
S-16924 Drug Info [525424], [534704]
Sarizotan Drug Info
SDZ-MAR-327 Drug Info
SEL-73 Drug Info [543357]
SKL-PSY Drug Info [543357]
SLV-313 Drug Info
SR-59026 Drug Info
SSR-181507 Drug Info
TGBA01AD Drug Info
TGFK08AA-ER Drug Info [525395]
TGFK09SD-ER Drug Info [549115]
Trazodone Drug Info [556264]
Vilazodone Drug Info [531783]
Binder BTS-79018 Drug Info [536463]
Modulator (allosteric modulator) RS-30199 Drug Info [534687]
Target Expression Profile (TEP) and Drug Resistance Mutation (DRM)
KEGG Pathway cAMP signaling pathway
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
Serotonergic synapse
PANTHER Pathway Heterotrimeric G-protein signaling pathway-Gi alpha and Gs alpha mediated pathway
5HT1 type receptor mediated signaling pathway
Reactome Serotonin receptors
G alpha (i) signalling events
WikiPathways Serotonin HTR1 Group and FOS Pathway
SIDS Susceptibility Pathways
Monoamine GPCRs
GPCRs, Class A Rhodopsin-like
GPCR ligand binding
GPCR downstream signaling
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